Word-2-Web 2011 Ultimate
Word-2-Web 2011 Ultimate is a professional Help Authoring Tool which can help you create professional Web Help System. It is every easy to use. You don't need any professional skills and you will get the Web Help System from the existing Word document almost seconds just a mouse click.
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Word-2-CHM 2010 Ultimate
Word to CHM Help Ultimate 2010 is a professional Help Authoring Tool which can help you create professional HTML Help System. It is every easy to use. You don't need any professional skills and you will get the HTML Help System from the existing Word document almost seconds just a mouse click.
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Word-2-CHM 2009
Macrobject Word-2-CHM Professional 2009 is a powerful CHM creator/generator helping you to create professional HTML help. Convert Word document (.doc, .rtf, .htm, etc.) to perfect HTML help or CHM e-book without any HTML or CHM skills. Make CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout of the original document. Create topic tree according to the outline of the Word document.
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Word-2-Web/HTML 2009
Macrobject Word-2-Web Professional 2009 is a powerful Web online document creator/generator help you to create professional Web help. Convert Word document (.doc, .rtf, .htm, etc.) to perfect Web help and full fit for your web site. Make online help to be integrated into your web site in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original Word document. Create topic tree according to the outline of the Word document.
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CHM-2-Web 2009
A powerful CHM convertor helping you to create Web help on your web site from HTML help. Convert CHM to perfect Web help in seconds. Keep format/styles of original compiled HTML Help and create topic tree.
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CHM-2-Word 2009
A powerful CHM convertor helping you to create Word document from HTML help. Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills. Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.
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CHM-2-HTML 2009
A powerful CHM convertor helping you to create HTML document from HTML help. Convert CHM files to perfect HTML document without any HTML or CHM skills. Make HTML document from CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file. Embed all images into HTML/MHT document and no external files are required.
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Obfuscator.NET 2009
An obfuscator can obfuscate .NET IL Code and protect .NET dll/exe assembly. Obfuscated code is unreadable and unmodifiable, it may anti-decompile and cause decompiler crashed (e.g. .NET Reflector). Obfuscator.NET supports name obfuscation (e.g. class/method/field/parameters etc.) and flow obfuscation. Decompiler can not show correct structure and code of the obfuscated assembly.
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OQL.NET Object Query Language
OQL.NET is a strong-typed database object query language. The difference between OQL.NET and SQL or other OQL lies in that OQL.NET is based on native .NET language (e.g. C# and VB.NET) instead of on strings.
OQL.NET is compatible with SQL-92 standard. It supports all the major elements of SQL DML, including select, insert, update and delete statements, and select, from, join, on, where, group by, having, order by and case clauses.
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NObject O/R Mapping Framework
Macrobject NObject is an O/R Mapping (Object-Relation Mapping) framework to be used in Microsoft .NET platform.
NObject O/R Mapping framework allows you to access database completely in the way of object-oriented. NObject O/R Mapping framework includes OQL.NET, which is a strong-typed object query language (OQL) based on native .NET language such as C# and VB.NET etc., even you needn't to write a single line of SQL statement.
NObject O/R Mapping framework can help you to reduce 30% ~ 40% of codes and 95% of time to debug the query statements, shorten 50% of development time, to a large extent to cut down the costs of development and maintenance and improve the system's robustness.
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DObject O/R Mapping Suite
Macrobject DObject suite is an O/R Mapping (Object-Relation Mapping) component package to be used in Borland Delphi.
DObject O/R Mapping suite allows you to access database completely in the way of object-oriented. It includes OQL.Delphi, which is a strong-typed OQL (Object Query Language) based on native Delphi language, even you needn't to write a single line of SQL statement based on string.
DObject O/R Mapping suite can help reduce 30%~40% of codes and 90% of time to debug query statements, shorten 50% of development time. To a large extent, cut down the costs of development and maintenance and improve the system's robustness.
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Nuva Language
Nuva language is an object-oriented, dynamic scripting language, which is designed for template-based code generation.
Apart from code generation, Nuva language can also be used to develop applications, such as text and data processing program, GUI application and so on.
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CodeAuto Code Generator
Macrobject CodeAuto is a code generator, which is template-based and can generate all sorts of text files from database schema, data, XML and other data source.
If your work involves frequently writing similar codes or codes with repetition, then it is a good choice to write a template and let CodeAuto to finish all tedious work according to it. CodeAuto can generate both simple code segments and a whole application. Our website macrobject.com is completely generated by CodeAuto.
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CodeAuto Studio
CodeAtuo Studio is an IDE for the language Nuva designed by Macrobject Software.
A Variety of powerful functions, e.g. instant syntax-check, code structure tree, help you develop CodeAuto templates and Nuva applications more quickly.
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