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CHM-2-Word 2009 FAQ

Q: What version of Microsoft Word is required?
A: Microsoft Word 97 or higher is required. Microsoft Word 2000 or higher is recommended.
Q: What version of IE is required?
A: IE 5.5 or higher is required.
Q: Error while loading Word document: "Call was rejected by callee", "Command failed", "The RPC server is unavailable", "Server execution failed", "The server threw an exception", etc.
A: Connection to Microsoft Word may be blocked by the anti-virus plug-in for Microsoft Office or other security software. Please temporary disabled the anti-virus plug-in for Microsoft Office or the security software and try again.
Q: Error while loading Word document: "Invalid class string" or "Class not registered"
A: Connection to Microsoft Word may be blocked by the anti-virus plug-in for Microsoft Office or other security software. Please temporary disabled the anti-virus plug-in for Microsoft Office or the security software and try again.
Q: Error: "This method or property is not available because the license to use this application has expired"?
A: Your license of Microsoft Word is expired.

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