Quick StartQuick Start\Create Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help

Create Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help

Modern CHM Help is built on top of the Classic CHM Help standard.  It is the next generation CHM help with a modern user interface, Unicode support and multilingual full-text search. 


The Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help created by Macrobject Help Authoring Suite:

The Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help created by Macrobject Help Authoring Suite


Steps for creating Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help:

1.       Launch Help Authoring Suite 2012.  Or click the New button if Help Authoring Suite is already running.

2.       Select the source document for creating Unicode CHM help.

3.       Select CHM Modern as output help format.

4.       Click the Build button to start the build process.

5.       Click the View button to open the created Unicode CHM help file.


Steps in easy mode:

Steps for creating Modern CHM Help / Unicode CHM Help in easy mode.


Steps in advanced mode:


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